Sunday, December 18, 2016

Welcome Baby Joshua!! June Visit to Utah!

Just as soon as school got out for the summer, I got on a plane to Utah to meet my new grandson Joshua Bradford Dalton.  I walked in the door and this was my first look at the sweet little one!!   I sure enjoyed holding him and helping out with William.  Josh was just a few days old when I arrived, born on June 14, 2016. 

William and I had plenty of time to play at the playground while Tanja got some rest or some baby Josh time.  

Baby Josh in his swing looking out to the back yard.

Will and I enjoyed walking in Kays Creek, sometimes he peddled and sometimes I pushed with the golf club.  It was a hot day so we needed some rest stops!

When Dad got home from work it was time for some backyard play!!

I was able to meet up with Bob in Logan for a morning birding outing and lunch with the extended Atwood family!  That was fun!!

This was the first family walk with baby Josh~

One of Will's favorite outings was mini-golf.... here's the hole-in-one celebration~~  Yay! William!!!

HOLE IN ONE!!!  Again!!

A Sunday walk in Kay's Creek before church.

                                                First family picture with baby Josh!!

William's 3rd Birthday!!

Another great visit.... I hate to leave this sweet little family.  I have some great memories to hold onto until we get back out there in August!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

February Vacation in Utah!

Monday February 15th we left Maine on the Concord Trailways bus with high hopes of smooth sailing all the way to Utah.  Not to be as our flight was canceled.  There was some bad weather moving through Philadelphia our stop over but for some reason our flight was the only flight to Fhilly that was canceled.  But... friends to the rescue.  One quick call to Beth VanDuzer and Nate was on his way to Logan to pick us up for the night.  The airline had already scheduled us to fly out the next afternoon so we got a bonus visit with the VanDuzers!   We enjoyed a nice dinner and the next morning, Greg, Beth and I had the wonderful chance to go to the Boston Temple!


The next day we were playing with Wiliam in Utah.   He loves the trampoline!  
Greg enjoyed it too!

We brought Will a few gifts, that's what grandparents are good for and he especially loved the puzzles!  We had to do them over and over and over. 

On Wednesday our first day in town, I wanted to get right in to Salt Lake to visit my brother Bob who was having chemo treatments.  He wasn't feeling too great but it was good to visit with him, Wendy and Annie. 

After a the hospital visit we went down town for lunch at the Beehive House.  Brigham Young's house.  On the way there by the rocks where Tanja, Brad and Will had this picture taken we were approached by a street swindler (at least that's what Brad said he was)  Greg and I gave him money for the bus ticket that would take him back home to his mother.  Wish I had a picture...

We always enjoy taking William to the Park.  This day Tanja and I walked up from the house where William found a soccer ball he confiscated from his neighbors and enjoyed a game of keep away with Nana. 

While Tanja, Will and I played at the park there was another game going on below Brad and Greg on the Frolf course! 


Thursday February 18th we did William's favorite activity.  We took a train ride to Salt Lake.  He loved it!  


Then on to the children's museum!

On Friday we had a wonderful ski day at Snowbasin with Steve Passey. He had two Golden Passes (good at any ski resort in Utah).  A perfect day on the slopes!  

Just heading out! 

Sking went very well until Steve got wiped out by a kid on a snow board and broke his binding.  Luckily he wasn't hurt and it happened at the end of the day!  
After we got home and had  few minutes to re-group we took off for dinner at a fun restaurant a couple of towns over from Layton.  Met up with the Passy's for some great food.  

Then on to the Celtics Game with a couple of crazy Utah Jazz fans!  

C's lost but we had a blast!!

Saturday the 20th we had a mini Atwood family reunion at Maddox.  Great to see my brother Tom and sister-in-law Judy!  As well as Wendy's son Tyler just home from his mission and daughter Courtney both are attending Utah St.   Always great to see Uncle George and Aunt Joyce and my Atwood cousins!  

Sunday before church we took a great walk in Kay's Creek- one of my favorite places!! 

Last day in Utah in between Brad and Greg putting up ceiling fans, we had lunch at my favorite...Cafe RIO!   Will's favorite too!

Another great family week in Utah!!