Monday, October 6, 2014

Williams' Week in Maine

William Dalton’s first week in Maine was all a one year old could possibly ask for.  He started his journey with a mid-night plane ride from Salt Lake City to New York and on to Boston.  To make the trip easier for William his father decided to rent a car in Boston instead of taking the bus.  William enjoyed the ride even though his driver headed off in the wrong direction and was stuck in traffic for hours- William was able to nap most of the way so it really didn’t matter to him.   
Arriving in Maine, William was greeted by his adoring grandparents who were very happy to see him and his parents Brad and Tanja!   A trip to Maine would not be complete without a stop at one of the Portland area beaches.  We choose our personal favorite Pine Point for William’s first touch of the Atlantic Ocean.  Will did not appreciate the feel of the sand so the beach was not as pleasant an experience for him as we had expected.  He was happy as long as he stayed on the mat and didn't get any of that yucky sand in his toes.

Moving on to Portland, William met his great- grandmother Therese LaRose there’s nothing as special as a four generation picture.  William was having a fun time at Gram’s crawling on her lawn and chasing the football around with Dad and G-Pa until he took a face plant into the concrete sidewalk while being tended by the above mentioned male caretakers.  No real harm done- just a fat lip and some tears. 

 Considering the red-eye fight the little family was doing well to make it all the way up to MDI on Saturday night.  William’s first night on Mt. Desert Island!   


On Sunday William went to the Ellsworth Branch for church where he met many of his facebook friends in person.  He especially enjoyed meeting Lola and Vivian two of his girl admirers. After church we drove over to  Bass Harbor and on the way  stopped at the Bass Harbor Head Light for some pictures.  On the way home a quick trip to the Tremont School playground so Will could show us his sliding skills.  

Uncle Stephen came over to play a backyard singles game, Will watched from the deck.  The Maughn family soon joined us and we went on a hike around lower Hadlock pond crossing over “Andrew’s bridges”.  William soon tired of riding in the backpack and preferred a little more freedom to play in the water and grab at low hanging branches rather than a fist full of his Nana's hair.

                                       William's first visit to Andrew's Eagle Scout project

On Monday morning William was fed and all his belongings packed up for his first trip to camp at Donnell Pond.  William went on his first camp boat ride, played on the Scoodic Beach, tried out his float and went for a swim.  

                            "We are going to be up to some mischief Uncle Stephen and I!"

Will did not much like any floating baby apparatus...

Not floating chairs and definitely not squirt gun floating airplanes!

"Someone tell me how this getting in and out of a chair is suppose to work!"

"Still not sure if I like this sand!"

Tuesday was another nice day on the lake for Will and Brad and Tanja tried tried a little paddle boarding

Some relaxing on the new float
and  a squirt battle.

 Just like the brothers to come up with a new way to be pulled behind the boat!

Soon the Barrett family arrived minus Jason who came out for the evening fireworks show (sorry no pictures of the fireworks show)

Lola, like a typical Barrett child, kept asking for faster faster thumbs way up!

Tubing wouldn't be that much fun without a Pirate battle and it was a good one!

Sometimes William just enjoyed hanging out back at the camp on the beach and floating around by the dock with his Dad.

Nothing better than a good campfire to wind down for the day!

Early Wednesday, because of a call for rain later, on we headed to the golf course in Trenton for a round.  Tanja and Will stayed behind for some quiet time at camp.  Nap time I think they call it. 
                These are the faces of two sons getting beaten at golf by their old parents

             Later in the day the other Dalton clan cam up to camp for a visit and some tubing.

 After returning to MDI William cheered on his Uncle Steve in a playoff softball match in Bar Harbor followed by his first trip to Rosalie's Pizza!


Thursday on MDI,  William's family took him on his first carriage road bike ride.  William enjoyed the ride much more than his friend Vivian but neither of them liked the bike helmets their parents strapped to their heads.

We rented some bikes and headed out to the Witch Hole loop on a beautiful day!  Julia & Vivian Axtell joined Dalton's Greg, Anne, Brad, Tanja, Stephen and William.
Everyone had a great time!

On Friday we headed back to Donnell and look who we brought with us this time...  and look what we found when we got there! Brother Bob and a  Big Bird!!!

This Great Blue Heron spent some time hanging out on our shorefront and entertaining all the birder's in the family.

On Saturday back to the beach with William and a napping tent that didn't work very well for napping

William's first tube ride- a level 1 but he seemed to like it... well his Dad certainly did!

Sure had a lot of fun with Nana and G-Pa

Time to say good-bye.... :(
Wendy & Bob staying on for a couple of days but William and his Mom and Dad need to head to the bus station for the long ride to Boston!  What a fun week we all had together.   Can't wait to see you back in Maine next summer Will- maybe you can get up to level 2 on the tube!

Great time in Maine for Little Man William!