Greg and I are coming up on the anniversary of our move to Mount Desert Island 22 years this Nov 1st. In thinking about that milestone, I want
to share a story...
Several years ago we took a trip on the Cat to Yarmouth Nova Scotia for the day. Besides wanting a ride on the Cat,
we were interested in Yarmouth because we knew that Greg's grandmother Viola Doane Stanwood's family had settled there in the late 1700's.
We only had 3 hours before our return trip so we rushed to the Yarmouth Historical Museum to do some research.
Yarmouth Historical Museum and Stanwood Beach
What we found there surprised us... well that was an understatement we were shocked!
A nice woman who's name I can't remember helped us locate
a Stanwood family document listing the original settler Enoch T. Stanwood who had come to Yarmouth in 1792. The surprise came when we learned where he had come from... yes our own Mount Desert Island! Enoch's father Job Stanwood had come from Gloucester Massachusetts to settle on Mount Desert Island with his family and neighbor Abraham Somes. A wonderful family history can be found in the following link. The history was written by Cordelia Stanwood of the Bird's Acre in Ellsworth and printed in the Lewiston Sun Journal.
Article by Cordelia Stanwood Lewiston Sun Journal
Just a few months ago Greg and I were talking with local historian Sheldan Goldthwait and we mentioned our island ancestor Job Stanwood. Sheldon promised to send us some info and later that evening I received this document below. I have copied the first generation but what he sent me continues on for 56 pages and includes names of Job Stanwood descendants for 10 generations. Many many families we know well. Some are close friends of ours- children our sons have grown up with here on MDI. Names include Bunker, Walls, Cough, Gray, Hadlock, Rodick, Richardson, Higgins, Smith, Davis, Stanley and many more.
Descendants of
Job Stanwood
Generation One
1. * Job1
Stanwood (791) was born in Feb
1721 at Gloucester, MA.[1] He married Hannah Byles (930) in 1749.[2] He married Martha Bradstreet (792),
daughter of Benjamin Bradstreet (29857) and Sarah Greenleaf (29858), on 1 Sep
1754 at Hampton, NH.[3] He died on 27 Jul 1776 at Mount Desert,
ME, at age 55.[4]
He lived in 1762 at Islesford, ME.[5]
There were no children of * Job1 Stanwood (791) and Hannah
Byles (930).
Children of * Job1 Stanwood (791) and Martha Bradstreet (792)
were as follows:
1. Benjamin Bradstreet2 (983)
was born on 19 Jun 1766 at Mount Desert, ME. He married Margaret Wasgatt (6596), daughter of Thomas
Wasgatt (5156) and Margaret Davis (5157), circa 1790 at Eden, ME.
2. Humphrey Bradstreet (838) was born on 20
May 1768. He married Mary (--?--)
(33101). He married Hannah Higgins
(836), daughter of Levi Higgins (380) and Bathsheba Young (381), on 5 Oct 1826
at Eden, ME. He died on 23 Apr
1851 at age 82
3. Enoch Ticktum (985)[6] was born on
21 Apr 1770. Came to Yarmouth in 1792 and settled at Stanwood's Beach
In 1794 married Eunice daughter of Capten Zachariah Foote
4 David (986) was born on 22 Aug
1772. He married Eunice Wasgatt
(1010), daughter of Thomas Wasgatt 2nd (1006) and Eunice (--?--) (1007), on 5
Sep 1792 at Mount Desert, ME. He
died on 6 Aug 1818 at age 45.
5 Sally (776) was born on 18 Oct 1774 at
Duck Brook, Eden, ME. She married
David Rodick (773), son of Daniel Rodick (768) and Betty Hamor (767), on 2 Jun
1797 at Eden, ME. She died on 18
Feb 1853 at Eden, ME, at age 78.
6 Sarah (987)[8] was born on
18 Oct 1774.[9]
7 Esther (24531) was born on 6 Jul 1775 at
Duck Brook, Eden. She married
Andrew Gott Tarr (29036), son of Stephen Gott (16730) and Patience Gott
(12528), on 8 Jul 1795. She
married David Bunker (18744), son of Aaron Bunker (18733) and Sarah (--?--)
(18742), on 12 Oct 1799. She died
on 12 Dec 1854 at age 79.
From Greg to Job
Gregory W. Dalton > William Bruce Dalton> Viola Stanwood Dalton> Frank Stanwood> Capt. Robert Stanwood> Capt. David Stanwood > Enoch T. Stanwood > Job Stanwood
When our boys were little we would go to Winthrop Mass each memorial day to visit the grave of Greg's father William Bruce Dalton and Greg's "Granny" Viola Stanwood Dalton.
Brad, Stephen and baby Logan visiting with Granny |
From November 1, 1991 until today we have always felt at home here on MDI and now we know why!